
Our Funds

Eq8 FTSE Malaysia Enhanced Dividend Waqf ETF

Eq8 FTSE Malaysia Enhanced Dividend Waqf ETF (“EQ8WAQF”) is an Exchange Traded Fund that seeks to achieve capital growth and income distribution by investing in high dividend-paying stocks in Malaysia. The Waqf feature lies in the income distribution element whereby 50% of the distributed income will be distributed to unit holder while the remaining 50% becomes Waqf asset. The Waqf asset generated from the Waqf ETF will be managed by Yayasan Waqaf Malaysia ("YWM") as the Waqf Administrator.

Launched in December 2024, EQ8WAQF features a Benchmark Index that is designed to achieve dividend yield enhancement, and is constructed, calculated, maintained and published by FTSE Russell.

What is Waqf?

By definition, Waqf is a form of charitable endowment in which property or assets are donated for the use and benefits of the public. The endowment is intended to be perpetual, with the assets held in trust and the income generated from the assets are used for charitable purposes. In a formal process of establishing a Waqf, the donor dedicates the assets for a specific charitable purpose. The assets remain devoted in perpetuity for the specified purpose, the donor forfeits most of the rights associated with ownership, and the assets are managed by a Waqf Administrator.

Key Highlights
Dual Impact

Dual Impact Investing

The advantage of gaining both financial gains from capital appreciation and income distribution, and social returns from contribution of dividends towards Waqf purposes.

Stable Income

Stable Income Stream

Collective above average dividend yield eliminates single security concentration towards a stable dividend stream.

Return Enhancement

Return Enhancement via Momentum Factor

Dividend stocks act as a buffer against market volatility, while the momentum strategy leverage the rising stock prices to generate alpha, with the potential to outperform portfolios that are primarily focused on income distribution.

Cumulative Performance
(As at 2025-01-31)
1 M3 M6 MYTD1 Y3 Y5 Y**Since Inception
Fund NAV0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%
Benchmark Index0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%
ETF Information
Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad
Islamic Equity
Ringgit Malaysia (MYR)
Benchmark Information
FTSE Bursa Malaysia EMAS Shariah Factor Enhanced Target Dividend Index
How to Invest? Guide
Trading On Bursa Securities
Minimum Trading Units: 100
Trading Currency: Ringgit Malaysia (MYR)
Stock Short Name: EQ8WAQF
Stock Code: 0839EA
Investing through Participating Dealer
Minimum Creation / Redemption (Unit Block): 500,000
Participating Dealer(s)
Kenanga Investment Bank Berhad
Investment Objective

To closely track the performance of the Benchmark Index - FTSE Bursa Malaysia EMAS Shariah Factor Enhanced Target Dividend Index - while adhering to Shariah requirements, and channel 50% of the income distribution of the Fund for Waqf purposes.

Investment Strategy

As a passively managed fund, the Manager will generally adopt a replication strategy to manage the fund. The Manager may use techniques including indexing via full or partial replication in seeking to achieve the investment objective of the Fund, subject to conformity with Shariah Investment Guidelines.

Fund Facts
Asset Class Islamic Equity
Geo ExposureMalaysia
Benchmark IndexFBEMSTDP
Launch Date10 December 2024
Listing Date10 December 2024
Base CurrencyRinggit Malaysia (MYR)
ManagerEq8 Capital Sdn Bhd
Income Distribution*Annual Distribution
Creation/Redemption(unit block)500,000

*Subject to the discretion of the Manager

Trading Information
ExchangeBursa Malaysia Securities Berhad
Stock Short NameEQ8WAQF
Stock Short Code0839EA
Bloomberg TickerEQ8WAQF
Fee & Charges
Management Fee


Trustee Fee

Up to 0.08%

Index License Fee


Total Annual Fees (chargeable to Fund)


Transaction Charges (chargeable to Investor):

Trading charges may include brokerage rate and other incidental charges

* Subject to other fees and/or expenses incurred by the Fund.

Parties to the fund
ManagerEq8 Capital Sdn Bhd
TrusteeDeutche Trustees Malaysia Berhad
Participating Dealer(s)Kenanga Investment Bank Berhad
Shariah AdviserAmanie Advisors Sdn Bhd
Index LicensorFTSE International Limited
Fund Documents
Daily NAV & Creation/Redemption
Fund Reports
Financial Report (Annual & Interim)